lunedì 16 maggio 2016

Mass Tourism

“We have only one planet, so let’s #DoGood”

Hey! What do you know about mass tourism? Here we are going to explain the mean of mass tourism and his three impacts on economy, on the society and on environment with the positive and negative aspects in these sectors.
Besides, we’ re going to discuss some examples of mass tourism in Italy with the principal characteristic of these places like holiday destination, emphasizing the importance of ecotourism for the creation of new ‘green zones’ and a good behavior of tourists.

Mass tourism is a form of tourism, developed after the Second World War.
It consists in numerous touristic movements, conditioned by mass media, like: internet, television, newspapers, radio and so on…
This type of tourism is founded on the connection between tourism and communication; since nineteenth century, a lot of young and rich people travel for the grand tour, it was intended to make young aristocratic more educated about the history and art of Europe.
Mass tourism has three different impacts: on economy, on the society, and on environment; with positive and negative effects in each of these sectors.

On economy: the positive effects are that it brings money into local economy so people consume more, and more jobs for local people are available, like for example receptionists, hostesses and touristic guides.
Mass tourism also make an increase to income of industries that supply tourism: like hotel industry, travel agents and local bureaus.
The negative effect is that a lot of the profit made from tourism is kept by the large travel companies rather than going to the local economy.

On the society, the positive effects are for example that lot of jobs means young people are more likely to stay in the area.
It improves roads infrastructure and communications which are also a benefit for local people, infrastructure are very important for the development of tourism in a city or a country.

Income from tourism can be reinvested in local community projects, like for example the building of new infrastructure, new “green zone” to supply the ecotourism, or the building of new structure to accommodate more tourists.
The negative effects are that tourism jobs are often badly paid and are seasonal: like entertainers and the staff of a cruise ship.
Traffic congestion caused by tourists can create pollution, and the bad behavior of some tourists can offend local people.

The positive aspect on the environment, is that mass tourism creates income that can be reinvested in protecting the environment (”green zones”).
The negative aspects are that the transport of people over long distances creates greenhouse gases which are the main causes of global warming.
Mass tourism can increase pollution and litter: one of the main example are the Italian beaches which are often covered by rubbish. The expansion of mass tourism can also lead to the destruction of natural habitats, such as the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.

Examples of mass tourism

In Italy there are plenty of examples like Matera, the shores of Emilia-Romagna, but also Rome Florence, Venice and Milan are important places with a lot of tourists every time of the year.

The shores of Emilia-Romagna: This region has turned into a resort particularly for young people from 16 to 25 years old.
This type of clientele is people who research a type of tourism involved on nightlife and fun.
When a tourist arrives in these towns can find a lot of promoters of typical events like “Notte Rosa” in Riccione and “Molo Street Parade” in Rimini.
There are also a lot of discos, bar, clubs, but also typical places where tourists can eat typical food such as Piadina Romagnola and lasagne.

“When you will cut the last tree, you ‘ll catch the last fish and will contaminate the last river, you ‘ll realize that money can’ t be eaten”

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